Departments: Whisky, Wine & Port

The market for rare whisky has really gathered pace over the last decade. With limited supplies and a growing number of collectors seeking top bottles, now is a great time to sell.
We also frequently auction collections of wine, port and spirits.
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Pictured: Valuer Jacques with a collection of rare Glengoyne and other whisky which we sold for over £10,000.

All our whisky, wine and port lots are published on two online bidding platforms as well as our website, and a notification email is sent to our contact list of thousands of previous customers. As well as hosting in-person buyers on our public viewing days, we receive and respond to hundreds of condition reports every month from remote buyers across the globe, giving your pieces the best possible chance of a successful sale. 

For a free auction valuation, whether it's a single bottle or a large collection, email photographs to [email protected]